Resolution Policy

12/25/202312 min read

Resolution Policy

At Plethoryt, we understand that despite our best efforts, conflicts, dissatisfactions, and unforeseen events can arise that may impact our ability to deliver quality outputs on time. We value our clients and strive to provide the best possible service. In the event of such situations, we have established a comprehensive resolution policy to address and resolve any issues that may arise. This policy is an integral part of our Terms and Conditions.

1. Resolution Process

Our resolution policy is designed to ensure that any problems are addressed promptly, effectively, and in a manner that is fair to both our clients and our team. The following steps outline our process for resolving conflicts and ensuring the delivery of high-quality outputs:

  • Identifying the Issue: When a conflict or dissatisfaction arises, we encourage our clients to communicate their concerns to us as soon as possible. This allows us to promptly identify the issue and begin working towards a resolution.

  • Open Communication: We believe in open and transparent communication. Our team will engage in a thorough discussion with the client to gain a deeper understanding of the problem and its impact on the project.

  • Investigation: Once the issue has been identified and understood, we will conduct a thorough investigation to determine the root cause and any contributing factors. This may involve reviewing project documentation, communication records, and consulting with relevant team members.

  • Resolution Plan: Based on the findings of the investigation, we will develop a resolution plan tailored to the specific situation. This plan will outline the steps we will take to address the issue, mitigate any negative impact, and ensure the delivery of a high-quality output.

  • Implementation: Our team will implement the resolution plan, taking into consideration any client preferences or requirements. We will keep the client informed throughout the process, providing regular updates on the progress made.

  • Quality Assurance: Once the resolution plan has been implemented, we will conduct a thorough quality assurance check to ensure that the output meets the client's expectations and our high standards. Any necessary revisions or adjustments will be made promptly.

  • Client Satisfaction: Our ultimate goal is to achieve client satisfaction. We will seek feedback from the client to ensure that they are satisfied with the resolution and the overall service provided. If necessary, additional measures will be taken to address any remaining concerns.

2. Action Plan:

At Plethoryt, we believe that challenges are opportunities for growth and improvement. Our resolution policy reflects our commitment to providing exceptional academic writing services, research solutions, publication support, and scholarly consultation. Below are the immediate actionable resolution for known issues.

a. Deadline Adjustments

In our commitment to delivering flexible and client-centric services, Plethoryt acknowledges the importance of accommodating user-selected deadlines. However, to ensure optimal project execution, we reserve the right to adjust or modify deadlines based on factors such as project complexity, affiliate availability, or high submission volumes. Our approach to handling such adjustments prioritizes open and honest communication with our clients. When a deadline adjustment is deemed necessary, Plethoryt promptly notifies the client, providing a transparent explanation for the modification. Clients are encouraged to engage in open communication, expressing their concerns or preferences.

We propose a new deadline, collaboratively discussing and finalizing it with the client, taking into account their project requirements. Additionally, we provide tangible expectations regarding the adjusted deadline, ensuring clients are well-informed about project progress. In cases where multiple adjustments are required, consistent and transparent communication is maintained, and clients receive comprehensive overviews of the factors influencing each adjustment. Our resolution plan centers on client satisfaction, continuous improvement, and enhanced communication protocols to deliver an exceptional and adaptable service experience.

b. Unmet Deadlines

In the infrequent event of Plethoryt failing to meet a project deadline, we recognize the gravity of the situation and have instituted a comprehensive resolution policy to address any resulting concerns. Clients are given the option to receive the project free of charge, acknowledging the inconvenience caused by the missed deadline. Irrespective of project completion, a 100% refund of the paid price is guaranteed as a gesture of goodwill. For clients who opt to wait for project completion, Plethoryt offers a resolution plan wherein a daily discount of 3% is applied, starting from the days the project has been past due. This daily discount will be refunded to the client upon project completion, ensuring fair compensation for any delays beyond the initially agreed-upon timeline.

In the case of unfinished projects, Plethoryt commits to transparent communication on the project's status and progress, implementing enhanced quality assurance measures to mitigate the impact on project quality. Throughout the completion process, our focus remains on client satisfaction, actively addressing any concerns or preferences raised by the client. This action plan reflects our commitment to transparency, fair compensation, and client satisfaction, even in the face of unforeseen delays.

c. Incomplete Adherence to Instructions

In acknowledgment of the paramount importance of meeting client instructions comprehensively, Plethoryt has established a robust action plan to address instances of incomplete adherence. Clients are granted the entitlement to unlimited revisions free-of-charge, provided that the revision request is valid and the Plethoryt affiliate who worked on the project did not meet all the client's instructions. A valid revision request aligns with the original instructions, and Plethoryt ensures a thorough assessment of the validity to facilitate fair and accurate adjustments.

Accountability is held for Plethoryt affiliates, with engagement to address and rectify specific issues arising from incomplete adherence. Clients are encouraged to communicate concerns or unmet requirements, fostering open communication to understand expectations for subsequent revisions. The resolution plan focuses on client satisfaction, with a prompt review and implementation of necessary adjustments in response to revision requests. Clients have the opportunity to review the revised output and provide feedback, contributing to continuous improvement efforts aimed at refining processes and minimizing instances of incomplete adherence. Plethoryt remains committed to ensuring client expectations are met and service quality is continually enhanced through this action plan.

d. Deviation in Revisions

In situations where a client requests a revision that falls outside the scope of the original instructions or significantly deviates from the initial project parameters, Plethoryt maintains a fair and transparent approach to address such cases. If a revision request is deemed to be beyond the scope of the original entry, it will be treated as a new order.

This ensures fairness in managing client expectations and project scope. By treating such requests as new orders, Plethoryt aims to provide clarity and maintain integrity in the revision process, allowing clients to make informed decisions about the extent of adjustments needed beyond the initial project specifications. This approach aligns with our commitment to transparency and fairness in all client interactions, ensuring that both parties have a clear understanding of the terms and expectations for additional or modified work.

e. Additional Instructions Not Followed

The Dashboard allows for certain modifications of the order such as putting notations or additional instructions. In instances where a client claims that a Plethoryt affiliate did not incorporate on the final project the edits or additional instructions provided in the order, Plethoryt takes this matter seriously and initiates a thorough investigation. If it is determined that the client's claim is valid, a free-of-charge revision will be promptly granted as part of our commitment to ensuring client satisfaction. On the other hand, if the investigation reveals that the client's claim is not accurate, Plethoryt will engage in open communication with the client and offer a resolution through a revision charge. Please note that when an affiliate has already started working on the order, the decision to incorporate the appended notations or added instructions are solely within the discretion of the affiliate, which has been prompted to you by the system or our affiliate when you requested an edit.

This approach ensures fairness and transparency in addressing discrepancies, providing clients with the appropriate resolution based on the outcome of the investigation. Plethoryt remains dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of service and resolving issues in a manner that aligns with our commitment to client satisfaction and fair business practices.

f. Infringements

In the unlikely event that a client claims the final output provided by a Plethoryt affiliate contains infringements, it's essential to note that Plethoryt conducts rigorous quality assurance checks throughout the process to ensure the highest standards. However, if a client reports infringements, Plethoryt takes such claims seriously and initiates a thorough investigation. If the investigation substantiates the client's claim, a free-of-charge revision will be promptly granted, and the affiliate will rectify all identified infringement issues. The affiliate will be pulled out from the servicing line and will be given a training on academic integrity to ensure that such mistake will not happen again.

On the other hand, if the investigation concludes that the client's claim is unfounded, Plethoryt will engage in transparent communication, offering a detailed explanation regarding why there were no infringements in the output. This commitment to investigation and open communication reflects Plethoryt's dedication to resolving issues and maintaining the integrity of our services, ensuring client satisfaction and adherence to quality standards.

g. Plagiarisms

In the rare instance where a client asserts that the final output delivered by a Plethoryt affiliate contains plagiarized content, it's important to emphasize that Plethoryt conducts rigorous quality assurance checks throughout the production process to uphold academic integrity. However, should Plethoryt receive plagiarism reports, we treat such claims with utmost seriousness and initiate a thorough investigation. If the investigation validates the client's claim, a free-of-charge revision will be promptly granted, and the affiliate responsible will rectify all identified plagiarism issues. Additionally, the affiliate will be temporarily removed from the servicing line and undergo training on academic integrity to prevent such mistakes in the future.

On the other hand, if the investigation determines that the client's claim is unfounded, Plethoryt will engage in transparent communication, providing a detailed explanation as to why there were no plagiarism in the output. This commitment to investigation, correction, and education underscores Plethoryt's dedication to resolving issues, maintaining the highest standards, and ensuring client satisfaction.

h. Technical Errors

In the event that a client alleges technical or factual errors in the final output provided by a Plethoryt affiliate, it's crucial to note that Plethoryt conducts rigorous quality assurance checks throughout the production process to ensure accuracy. However, if Plethoryt receives reports of content errors, we approach these claims with the utmost seriousness and initiate a comprehensive investigation. Should the investigation substantiate the client's claim, a free-of-charge revision will be promptly granted, and the affiliate responsible will rectify all identified errors. Additionally, as a measure to prevent such mistakes in the future, the affiliate will be temporarily withdrawn from the servicing line and undergo training to enhance their accuracy and proficiency.

Conversely, if the investigation concludes that the client's claim is unfounded, Plethoryt will engage in transparent communication, offering a detailed explanation as to why there were no errors in the output. This commitment to investigation, correction, and education underscores Plethoryt's dedication to resolving issues, maintaining the highest standards, and ensuring client satisfaction.

i. Grammatical Errors

In the unlikely event that a client asserts that the final output delivered by a Plethoryt affiliate contains grammatical or language errors, it's important to note that Plethoryt places a strong emphasis on quality assurance checks throughout the production process to uphold linguistic precision. Nevertheless, if Plethoryt receives reports of language errors, we treat such claims with the utmost seriousness and initiate a thorough investigation. Should the investigation validate the client's claim, a free-of-charge revision will be promptly granted, and the affiliate responsible will rectify all identified issues. As a preventive measure, the affiliate will be temporarily removed from the servicing line and undergo training to enhance language proficiency and accuracy.

Conversely, if the investigation determines that the client's claim is unfounded, Plethoryt will engage in transparent communication, providing a detailed explanation as to why there were no errors in the output. This commitment to investigation, correction, and education underscores Plethoryt's dedication to resolving issues, maintaining the highest linguistic standards, and ensuring client satisfaction.

j. Server Downtime

In the event that a client claims the system is not working, it's important to clarify that Plethoryt proactively informs all clients of any scheduled maintenance or downtime related to our internal systems. However, it's crucial to note that Plethoryt does not have control over the third-party services provided by database or server providers, and their downtime is beyond our control. While Plethoryt does not offer direct and immediate compensation for any inconvenience caused by third-party server downtime, we are committed to communicating such instances to our clients to keep them informed.

Additionally, clients are responsible for downloading all files associated with their projects. In the event of system unavailability, a resolution will involve open communication with Plethoryt to explore alternative routes for clients to access their files, data, and other project-related information on the server. This approach aims to address client concerns and provide practical solutions while navigating factors beyond Plethoryt's direct control.

k. Account Hacking Activity

In cases where a client claims that their Plethoryt account has been hacked, it's crucial to highlight that Plethoryt implements robust security features, as outlined in our Privacy Policy, to safeguard user accounts. However, instances of hacking that occur outside Plethoryt's control or result from irresponsible user activities are beyond our responsibility.

To address such concerns, Plethoryt offers a resolution by actively monitoring and holding off transactions originating from the account. This intervention is limited to identifiable routes such as the Dashboard or email, where the account can be verified. While Plethoryt strives to maintain the security of user accounts, it is essential for users to exercise responsible online practices and adhere to security guidelines outlined in our Terms and Conditions to minimize the risk of unauthorized access. This approach ensures a balance between user security measures and the practicalities of addressing potential breaches.

l. Attachments with Virus

In the infrequent event that a client's attachments or Plethoryt affiliates' output is suspected to contain a virus or malicious code, Plethoryt is dedicated to addressing these security concerns swiftly and comprehensively. To prevent such occurrences, Plethoryt has implemented stringent security protocols, including regular updates and audits, to fortify our systems against potential threats. Clients are encouraged to scan their attachments for viruses before submission, and Plethoryt may employ scanning tools during the upload process.

In the case of a suspected security threat, clients are urged to report it immediately for thorough investigation. If a confirmed threat is identified, Plethoryt will promptly notify the client, providing details of the detected security threat. The affected attachment or output will be quarantined to prevent further dissemination of the threat within Plethoryt's systems. Clients will be guided on best practices to address the threat on their end, including scanning their devices for malware. Furthermore, Plethoryt will engage in educational measures with affiliates to reinforce security awareness and prevent similar incidents in the future. Insights gained from security incidents will be utilized to enhance Plethoryt's security measures continually, ensuring robust protection against evolving cybersecurity challenges.

m. Attachments with Corrupted Files

In the management of clients' attachments and Plethoryt affiliates' output containing files, Plethoryt places a strong emphasis on a comprehensive security policy to ward off potential threats and maintain the integrity of data exchanged within our systems. Employing secure file transmission protocols and regular security audits, we strive to identify and address vulnerabilities in our file handling processes. Clients are encouraged to verify the integrity of their attached files before submission, and Plethoryt may utilize scanning tools during the upload process to detect and resolve potential threats.

In cases where clients suspect security threats within their attachments or affiliate output, they are urged to report promptly for a thorough investigation. If a security threat is confirmed, Plethoryt's resolution involves the recommendation to immediately replace the affected files with uncorrupted versions. This proactive measure ensures the elimination of the threat and the restoration of the original, untainted data. Clients will be promptly notified of the resolution, and the replaced files will be safeguarded to prevent further dissemination of the security threat within Plethoryt's systems.

n. Missed Mentorship Schedule

In cases of missed mentorship schedules, excluding consultations, Plethoryt has established a clear resolution policy to address and mitigate any inconveniences that may arise. Clients and affiliates are allowed a window of 10 minutes before the scheduled time to report technical issues such as internet speed problems, computer OS glitches, hardware and software malfunctions, or any other unforeseen technical challenges that may impede their participation.

For mentorship sessions scheduled for virtual meetings, rebooking is permissible once, provided both the affiliate and the client agree to the rebooking process. If, however, the affiliate and the client fail to attend the meeting for the first time and neither expresses a desire to rebook, the affiliate must promptly send a recording of the presentation. Simultaneously, the client must agree to re-optioning the mentorship platform without incurring additional charges or seeking reimbursement.

This policy is designed to balance flexibility and accountability, providing a structured approach to handle missed mentorship schedules while ensuring that clients and affiliates have the opportunity to benefit from the mentorship platform in a fair and accommodating manner.

o. Potential Conflict of Interest

Plethoryt places a paramount emphasis on ethical conduct and transparency in all project engagements. In the event of a potential conflict of interest, our resolution policy comes into effect. All parties involved, including clients and Plethoryt affiliates and consultants, are urged to promptly identify and disclose any potential conflicts especially before initiating the order or placing an order/booking a consult. Upon identification, Plethoryt conducts a thorough evaluation to understand the nature and scope of the conflict, collaborating with all parties to develop and implement mitigation strategies. These may include adjustments to the participation by a client or employee, project scopes, schedule, or affiliations to ensure fairness. Throughout this process, open communication is maintained, informing clients and affiliates of the steps taken to address the conflict.

In cases where resolution proves challenging, Plethoryt may engage in mediation processes, employing internal escalation procedures. If the conflict cannot be resolved, modifications to the project scope or, in extreme cases, readjustments of roles may be considered to uphold ethical standards. Insights gained from conflict resolution contribute to the continuous improvement of Plethoryt's policies and processes, reinforcing our commitment to ethical conduct, client satisfaction, and a professional and unbiased project environment. Clients and affiliates are encouraged to actively participate in the resolution process to ensure a fair and transparent outcome.

p. Violation of Conduct Compliance Policy

Plethoryt places a strong emphasis on maintaining a professional and respectful environment for successful collaborations. In instances where a client or consultant violates our Conduct Compliance Policy, a thorough resolution policy comes into effect. The alleged violation is promptly communicated to the involved party, initiating a comprehensive investigation to verify the facts, with opportunities provided for both sides to present their perspectives. If substantiated, Plethoryt implements appropriate mitigation measures, such as corrective actions, warnings, or counseling, to address the specific issue.

Collaborative resolution discussions may be facilitated if necessary. However, persistent or severe violations may lead to escalation, potentially resulting in termination of the client's project or the consultant's affiliation with Plethoryt. Depending on the severity, guidance on corrective actions may be provided to prevent future incidents. Continuous monitoring ensures proactive measures are taken to prevent and address potential violations, reinforcing our commitment to a respectful and professional environment for all stakeholders.

3. Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this resolution policy, please contact us at

This Resolution Policy is current and effective as of December 25, 2023