Conduct Compliance Policy

12/25/20236 min read

Conduct Compliance Policy

Welcome to Plethoryt! Our commitment to excellence extends beyond providing top-notch academic and research support. We believe in fostering a community built on integrity, respect, and professionalism. To ensure a harmonious and productive environment for both clients and consultants, we have established the Conduct Compliance Policy. This policy, an integral part of our Terms and Conditions, outlines the standards and expectations that govern interactions, communications, and collaborations on Plethoryt. Please familiarize yourself with these guidelines to contribute to a positive and enriching experience for all involved parties.

1. Professionalism:

All clients and consultants are expected to maintain a high level of professionalism in their interactions, communications, and conduct throughout the consultation process. Professionalism extends beyond appearance to encompass behavior and communication. This includes maintaining a positive attitude, meeting deadlines, and being receptive to feedback. Consultants and clients should address each other with courtesy and respect, refraining from any unprofessional behavior such as name-calling or personal attacks.

2. Respectful Communication:

Respectful and inclusive communication is paramount. Clients and consultants must communicate in a courteous and considerate manner, avoiding any form of discrimination or offensive language. Respectful communication involves actively listening, acknowledging diverse perspectives, and fostering an environment where everyone feels heard and valued. Clients and consultants should use inclusive language and avoid any form of discriminatory or offensive remarks based on gender, race, ethnicity, religion, or other personal characteristics.

3. Confidentiality:

Both clients and consultants are obligated to maintain the confidentiality of sensitive information shared during consultations, respecting privacy and non-disclosure agreements. Consultants must not share any proprietary information disclosed by a client during consultations. This includes research findings, research topics, data, or any sensitive information shared for the purpose of the consultation.

4. Timeliness:

Timely responses and adherence to scheduled consultation appointments are essential for efficient collaboration. Any delays should be communicated promptly. If a consultant or a client is unable to meet a scheduled consultation, timely communication should be made to the other party, explaining the reason for the delay and proposing a rescheduling if necessary. Please see the ‘Availability’ section for more details.

5. Transparency:

Honest and transparent communication is encouraged. Clients and consultants should provide accurate information regarding their needs, capabilities, and expectations. Clients are encouraged to send the topic of their concerns, inquiries, and problems not later than 2 days before their schedule using the link provided on the booking page. Clients should provide clear and accurate information about their project requirements, goals, and expectations to ensure consultants have the necessary details for effective service delivery.

6. Compliance with Policies:

Adherence to all Plethoryt policies, including but not limited to privacy, payment, and standardized use policies, is mandatory. Please visit for more information.

7. Conflict Resolution:

Parties are encouraged to address conflicts professionally and promptly. The Resolution Policy should take effect in case a conflict of interest exists, and the dispute process indicated in the Terms and Conditions should be followed.

8. Fair Pricing:

Consultants are expected to provide fair and transparent pricing for their services, and clients are expected to pay the agreed-upon fees promptly. Plethoryt ensures that the pricing set by the consultant does not go beyond a justifiable amount.

9. Quality of Service:

Consultants should deliver high-quality services aligned with the client's expectations. Consultants must prepare for the topics communicated to them by the clients in advance and should prepare for the questions that clients might have during the meeting. Clients are encouraged to prepare questions, materials, and other files needed during the consult. Clients are also encouraged to provide constructive feedback for improvement.

Consultants should deliver well-researched and insightful reports or advice, while clients should provide detailed feedback on the quality of the delivered service to aid in continuous improvement.

10. Availability:

Availability during agreed-upon consultation hours is crucial. Any unavailability should be communicated in advance, and rescheduling should be done with mutual agreement.

a. Notice of late participation: Clients and affiliates should notify each other when late participation is expected within a 10-minute window. However, late participation does not extend the session time, and the scheduled end-of-session will still pursue. The extension of the session will only occur when both parties agree to the extension hours without additional fees and additional compensation. The affiliate is expected to wait 15 minutes before calling the session 'abandoned by the client' without further notice. If the client does not receive a notice of late participation from the affiliate, the client can report the session back to Plethoryt as 'abandoned by the affiliate'.

b. Notice of reschedule: By default, a booking session can be rescheduled only once by each party, within the same day or on another day. During reasonable technical difficulties only, such as a sudden loss of internet connection, software glitches, natural disasters, and other unforeseen events, provided that the client or affiliate communicated the intent to reschedule not later than 10 minutes before the scheduled time, both parties shall acknowledge the rescheduling request. If the client wishes to revoke the rescheduling request by an affiliate or if an affiliate wishes to revoke the rescheduling request by a client, Plethoryt shall acknowledge this as a conflict and that the action plan for missed consultation schedule outlined in the Resolution Policy shall prevail. The final resolution: the affiliate will make a recording of the mentorship based on the inquiry submitted by the client 2 days before the schedule, and that the recording shall be made available to the client within the next 48 hours. Failure of the affiliate to deliver the recording within 48 hours shall result in valid cancellation of the booking and the client will be issued 100% refund.

c. Abandonment: Abandonment is an act of 'no show' without prior notice within a certain window time. If a client reports an abandoned session by the client, a 100% refund is made available to the client. If an affiliate reports an abandoned session by a client, the payment by the client is considered valid and refund request will not be available. All affiliates and clients are encouraged to record the session to file the abandonment case.

11. Feedback Responsiveness:

Although post-session support is not available for consultation, Plethoryt encourages both clients and consultants to promptly communicate and clarify the topics to be discussed ahead of time, addressing unclear concepts or making necessary adjustments to enhance the consultation experience.

12. Professional Development:

Consultants are encouraged to stay updated on industry trends and enhance their skills to provide valuable and current insights to clients. Professional development is an ongoing commitment. It involves staying informed about industry trends, acquiring new skills, and actively seeking out opportunities for growth. Consultants should actively engage in conferences, workshops, publish papers, conduct research, or enroll in relevant courses to stay updated on industry trends, ensuring they provide clients with the latest insights.

13. Compliance with Industry Standards:

All consultations should comply with industry standards, and consultants should provide services that meet or exceed the expectations of their respective fields. Compliance with industry standards involves staying abreast of regulatory changes, breakthroughs, discoveries, and milestones, ensuring that services align with the latest best practices, and adapting to evolving norms within the respective field.

14. Avoidance of Plagiarism:

Consultants must avoid plagiarism in the delivery of services, ensuring originality and proper attribution of sources in their work. Additionally, clients are expected to refrain from any act that may violate academic integrity in their consultation request or inquiries. Please visit for more information.

15. Clear Deliverables:

Clear expectations and deliverables should be established at the beginning of the consultation. Any changes should be communicated and agreed upon by both parties. This includes giving the preference for showing up on camera or not, using avatars, or using face masking tools to remain anonymous during the session. It also includes giving expectations on the use of language/s or specific dialect as a form of communication.

16. Proactive Communication:

Proactive communication regarding any challenges, delays, or changes in the consultation process is essential to maintain transparency. If a client experiences technical difficulties during a consultation, they should proactively inform the consultant, allowing for troubleshooting and resolution before it affects the session.

17. Prohibition of Unethical Practices:

Unethical practices, such as the use of unauthorized materials or engaging in deceptive conduct, are strictly prohibited. For example, consultants should not engage in practices such as providing false information, using unauthorized materials, or misrepresenting their qualifications to clients.

18. Adherence to Appropriate Laws:

Both clients and consultants must adhere to legal standards and regulations governing their respective industries, as well as the governing laws and jurisdictions of their country and states/provinces. For example, a client under the age of 18 years old should not book a consult, as described by the Terms and Conditions of Plethoryt. Moreover, clients and consultants should agree not to discuss making, doing, formulating, or conducting prohibited activities, including but not limited to activities associated with illegal substances and regulated products.

19. Cultural Sensitivity:

Awareness and respect for cultural differences are vital. Clients and consultants should be sensitive to diverse perspectives and backgrounds. A consultant working with international clients should be aware of cultural nuances, avoiding stereotypes and ensuring that communication is respectful and inclusive.

20. Accommodation for Disability or Health Issues:

Plethoryt recognizes the importance of inclusivity. Clients and consultants are encouraged to communicate any disability or personal health issues that may impact their ability to participate fully in consultations. Plethoryt is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to ensure an inclusive environment for all parties. This may include flexibility in scheduling, alternative communication methods, or other accommodations as needed to support individuals facing health-related challenges. All parties are encouraged to collaborate openly to find suitable solutions that enable effective participation while respecting privacy and confidentiality.

21. Continuous Improvement:

Both clients and consultants are encouraged to seek continuous improvement, providing and receiving feedback to enhance the overall quality of consultation services on Plethoryt's platform.

22. Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this conduct compliance policy, please contact us at

This Conduct Compliance Policy is current and effective as of December 25, 2023