Continuity Program Policy

1/7/202410 min read

Continuity Program Policy

Plethoryt's Continuity Program is dedicated to providing centralized, comprehensive, and user-friendly access to academic research. This policy outlines the terms and conditions for authors who wish to deposit, archive, and monetize their research through the Continuity Program.

Please review this document carefully to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the rules governing the program. Your adherence to these policies contributes to the integrity of our community and facilitates a mutually beneficial partnership. We appreciate your commitment to Plethoryt and look forward to a rewarding collaboration through our continuity program.

In addition to this, the policies outlined in the Terms and Conditions of using Plethoryt may also apply to the authors.

1. Definitions and Eligibility:

  • Author: Any individual who submits their research manuscript to the Continuity Program.

  • Research Manuscript: Any academic research work, including articles, papers, theses, and dissertations, submitted by the author for archiving.

  • Continuity Program: The centralized platform for archiving and accessing academic research.

The Continuity Program is open to all researchers, scholars, educators, and students (age 18 years and older) who wish to contribute their academic work. Authors must hold the necessary rights to their research manuscripts and ensure that their work complies with ethical standards.

All authors who submit their research manuscripts to the Continuity Program are eligible to earn royalties. Authors must specify if they wish to monetize their research manuscripts during the submission process.

2. Submission Process:

Authors must submit their research manuscripts through the Continuity Program’s official submission portal, strictly provided through Plethoryt. Submissions sent through any other means will not be entertained and are invalidated. All submissions are considered valid only when a Plethoryt authorized representative confirms in writing or in email the acceptance of such submission to the Continuity Program. All submissions must include relevant metadata, including but not limited to title, abstract, keywords, and author information. Authors agree and undertake to provide accurate and up-to-date information regarding their submission and/or research manuscript.

3. Quality Review and Acceptance:

Upon submission, each research manuscript will undergo an internal Quality Review conducted by the quality evaluators of the Continuity Program. The Quality Review aims to assess the academic rigor, relevance, and ethical compliance of the research manuscript. Acceptance of the research manuscript is subject to the relevant guidelines presented in the Fair Use policy, in addition to the acceptance guidelines presented below:

  • Authorship validity: Manuscripts should be submitted by the sole author or with permission from co-authors if the manuscript is co-authored. Authors must confirm their rights to submit the manuscript for archiving.

  • Academic Rigor: Each research manuscript submitted to the Continuity Program undergoes rigorous evaluation for academic rigor. This includes assessing the clarity of research objectives, appropriateness of methodology, and robustness of data analysis. The study design must be well-suited to addressing the research questions and contributing significantly to its respective field of study.

  • Originality and Contribution: Manuscripts should present original findings, insights, or interpretations that advance knowledge within their field. Authors are expected to articulate the significance of their research and its potential impact on academic discourse, practical applications, or policy development.

  • Ethical Compliance: Compliance with ethical standards is paramount. Authors must adhere to ethical guidelines such as proper citation practices, avoidance of plagiarism, and adherence to institutional and ethical review board (IRB) protocols for studies involving human subjects. Integrity, honesty, and respect for research participants must be maintained throughout the study.

  • Clarity and Coherence: Manuscripts should be well-written and organized to ensure clarity and coherence. A clear presentation of findings, discussion, and conclusions is essential for facilitating understanding and engagement within the academic community.

  • Relevance and Impact: Research should address current or emerging issues within its field, demonstrating relevance to academic debates, practical applications, or policy implications. Authors should clearly articulate how their research fills gaps in existing literature or addresses significant challenges.

  • Formatting and Documentation: Manuscripts must adhere to formatting guidelines specified by their institutions. This includes proper structuring of the manuscript, adherence to citation style guidelines, and inclusion of necessary metadata such as title, abstract, keywords, and author information. Complete documentation of research methods, data sources, and analysis is crucial for ensuring transparency and reproducibility.

  • Peer Review or Academic Endorsement: Preference may be given to manuscripts that have undergone peer review or received endorsement from reputable academic journals, institutions, or experts in the field. Peer-reviewed studies or those endorsed by recognized entities provide additional validation of research quality and credibility.

  • Conflict of Interest: Manuscripts must not be under dispute, consideration for patent, or involve conflicts of interest that could compromise the integrity or impartiality of the research findings.

During the Quality Review, you agree that the editors and reviewers of the Continuity Program may refine your manuscript with minimal deviation from the original meaning of words, phrases, sentences, and paragraphs for technical and grammar improvements. Despite such inputs, you will retain ownership to the research manuscript as described below under "Author Content".

4. Archiving and Access:

Submitted manuscripts will be archived in the Continuity Program’s repositories, which are any platforms owned, operated, or hosted by subsidiaries of Plethoryt and/or its parent organization and companies. The duration of archiving is dependent on a pre-arranged set-up described below under "Plans and Fees". Once a manuscript has been archived, the management, digital storage, and access will be solely under Plethoryt's responsibility. Plethoryt will undertake to maintain the privacy and security of the archived manuscript based on the practices described in the Privacy Policy. The authors agree and undertake to review the Privacy Policy before sending their research manuscript for archiving. The authors agree not to interfere with the archiving process of their submitted manuscript. However, authors may send their inquiries or questions about digital archiving and accession to

5. Author Content:

As between you and Plethoryt, you own all right, title and interest in and to your content. You grant Plethoryt a royalty-free, irrevocable, and fully sublicense to display, host, copy, store and use your content solely to the extent necessary for us to provide the continuity program and operate Plethoryt, which includes but not limited to purposes that includes service and product improvements, research, technology and security improvements, development of new services or products, and derivation of new work. We will not use your identifiable data for any other purposes without your consent.

Once you submit your research manuscript, it can only be withdrawn by sending us a withdrawal request as described below under "Withdrawal and Updates". You are solely responsible to your submission and you assume all risks associated with your research manuscript, including its accuracy, reliability, quality, or any disclosure by you of information that makes you personally identifiable.

By participating in the continuity program, you acknowledge and agree that you are solely responsible for all information, documents, materials, and digital files that you submit, transmit, upload, attach, post, or send through Plethoryt, including through its email and contact information disclosed on the site. You are solely responsible for ensuring that your files and any attachments does not contain any material that is illegal, is false, intentionally misleading, defamatory, or violates any third-party right.

You agree and undertake not to submit files and research manuscript that infringes any trademark, copyright, patent, intellectual property or other proprietary rights of other people. You are not allowed to submit for another person. You are not allowed to submit documents that wholly or contains information that belongs to another person. You warrant and guarantee that you are the owner of the files that you send through Plethoryt. You certify that your submission or any part of your submission is not associated with any legal or academic investigation, suit, proceeding, or case that could violate any law or regulations.

6. Plans and Fees:

The Continuity Program offers authors the opportunity to deposit and monetize their research manuscripts through three distinct payment plans. These plans provide flexibility and options for authors based on their preferences and needs.

  • Lifetime plan: This plan allows authors to make a one-time payment upon submission of their research manuscript. In return, the manuscript will be available for customers and clients as long as the program is running, ensuring continuous availability and potential for monetization. Authors only need to pay once, and their research remains accessible indefinitely without any further financial commitments. This option is ideal for authors who prefer a simple, one-time investment.

  • Subscription plan: Under this plan, authors make a yearly payment to continue monetizing and archiving their research manuscripts. This subscription-based model ensures ongoing access and visibility of the research while allowing for annual renewals. Authors benefit from regular updates and continued support from the Continuity Program. This option suits those who wish to maintain active involvement and maximize the long-term potential of their research monetization, while are also curious about the short-term and long-term performance of their research investment.

  • Open-access plan: In this plan, authors pay an open-access fee, allowing their manuscripts to be freely accessible by anyone. This model supports the open-access movement, promoting widespread dissemination and use of the research without any barriers. Authors contribute to the greater good of the academic community by making their research freely available. This option is perfect for those who prioritize accessibility and impact over direct monetization.

Fees vary per plan and at a given time due to market demands. However, Plethoryt will inform all authors the fees for the plan they opted in during the submission process. Fees are only valid for a certain period of time and once expired, authors will require another quote to process their submission. Fees provided by an authorized Plethoryt representative through the official communication channels and platforms such as in writing or email will be considered valid.

Terms of payment will be made available to the authors upon confirmation of the submission and when both parties agreed on the fees. The applicable policies of the 'Terms of Payment' section described in the Payment and Refund Policy will be reinforced in this policy. Once the author paid the fee and the research manuscript has undergone quality evaluations by the Continuity Program, cancellation of the submission is no longer allowed. However, the author may send a withdrawal request as described below under "Withdrawal and Updates" with no guarantee for refund or 100% refund.

7. Withdrawal and Updates

Authors may request the withdrawal of their research manuscripts from the Continuity Program at any time through the system provided on Plethoryt or by sending a request to the official email of Plethoryt or the Continuity Program. The following withdrawal guidelines will be followed:

  • Authors may withdraw their submission without any financial commitment (no fees and no monetization) when payments have not been made or initiated.

  • Once payment has been made, the following policy shall take effect:

    • Authors under lifetime, subscription, and open-access plans withdraw from the Continuity Program after 30 days of making the payment will not receive any refund.

    • Authors under lifetime, subscription, and open-access plans withdraw from program within 30 days of making the payment may receive <75% refund by sending a claim or dispute to The refund amount will be dependent on the investigation and amount of work put in the quality evaluation, revision, and/or improvement on the manuscript by the Continuity Program.

  • Withdrawal and removal of digital files from the repository will take at least 15 days. Once the research manuscript has been successfully withdrawn, the author will be notified through the official channels provided to us by the author.

Once the research manuscript has been archived and live for monetization, the authors can no longer change, modify, or alter the files/manuscript. However, authors may update their manuscripts with corrections as necessary or publish an erratum, only when the Continuity Program agrees to such corrections, with or without additional charges. The process of correcting the submission will be communicated to the authors during the inquiry process.

8. Monetization and Royalties

Authors can choose to make their research manuscripts available for free (open-access plan) or place them behind a paywall for monetization (lifetime and subscription plans). Plethoryt will set a download or access fee for each manuscript to ensure affordability and accessibility. The Continuity Program through Plethoryt will retain a percentage of the fee to cover administrative and operational costs. The remaining percentage will be paid to the author as a royalty. The standard royalty rate is 70% of the download/access fee. Royalties will be calculated and distributed to authors on a quarterly basis, or in a frequency that has been agreed upon by both parties. Authors will receive a detailed statement of their earnings, including the number of downloads and total royalties earned. Plethoryt will undertake to provide the authors with real-time and transparent data on the status of monetization of all manuscript to each corresponding authors. Authors agree to utilize the data provided to them by Plethoryt to monitor and dispute any discrepancy in their royalties. Plethoryt will not be responsible for unclaimed and unsettled royalties after 12 months.

Royalties will be paid through secure and reliable payment methods, such as bank transfers or electronic payment systems. Available payment methods will be presented to authors upon successful entry into the Continuity Program (authors who opted for lifetime and subscription plans). Authors agree and undertake to provide accurate payment information to ensure timely and accurate royalty payments. Royalty payments made under this program shall not be considered wages or earnings. The author will be solely responsible for any and all taxes in their country (including interest and penalties) arising from the transactions under or pursuant to this policy, and Plethoryt or the Continuity Program shall in no manner be liable for any statutory or tax liability.

The Continuity Program reserves the right to modify the royalty policy as needed to reflect changes in the academic publishing landscape or operational requirements. Authors will be notified of any changes to the royalty policy in advance. Any disputes regarding royalty calculations or payments must be reported to the Continuity Program within 30 days of receiving the royalty statement. The Continuity Program will investigate and resolve disputes in a fair and transparent manner.

9. Termination of the Program

In rare instances, the Continuity Program may be terminated due to financial constraints, technological obsolescence, compliance or regulatory changes, loss of institutional support, strategic shifts, insufficient participation, data security concerns, and strong market competition. By participating, you acknowledge and accept these risks. If you do not understand or accept these risks, please refrain from participating.

If the Continuity Program is terminated, all authors will be notified at least 30 days in advance. Notifications will be sent via email and posted on the Continuity Program’s official webpage. Authors will have the opportunity to download and retrieve their research manuscripts during the 30-day notice period. The Continuity Program will provide instructions and support to assist authors in retrieving their data.

Authors who opted for the one-time payment plan will not receive a refund as they have paid for lifetime access up to the point of termination. Manuscripts will remain accessible to authors for download until the program officially ceases operations. Authors with an active subscription at the time of termination will receive a prorated refund for the remaining portion of their subscription period. Refunds will be processed within 30 days after the program ceases operations. Authors who chose the lifetime payment plan will not receive a refund, as this plan allowed for open-access publication of their manuscripts. Manuscripts will remain freely accessible until the program officially ceases operations.

Final royalty payments will be calculated and distributed to authors based on downloads or access up to the termination date. Royalty statements and payments will be processed within 30 days after the program ceases operations. The Continuity Program will explore options for transferring the repository to another institution or platform to ensure the continued availability of archived research. Authors will be informed of any arrangements made for data preservation and transfer.

10. Additional Services

If an author wishes to avail Plethoryt's services outside the scope of the Continuity Program, the author must send a request through the designated channels provided on Plethoryt. Such additional service will enforce the applicable policies and fees outline in the Terms and Conditions.

11. Policy Updates:

Plethoryt retains the right to review and update the Continuity Program Policy periodically. Users are encouraged to stay informed about any changes to ensure compliance with the latest guidelines and policies.

12. Contact Us:

If you have any inquiries or require clarification on specific points, feel free to contact

This Continuity Program Policy is current and effective as of July 18, 2024